About us

Behind the brand ″For You″ there is us, Kristina and Maja, two business partners – lifelong friends and maids of honor.

Our story begins already in kindergarten, continues through high school, afterwards university, where we both got our degrees as graphic designers.

Nevertheless, wanting to educate ourselves even further, we continued our education in various areas, and so one of us got a degree as a floral arranger, while the other completed additional education for web designer.

And it is in fact this combination of knowledge that enabled us to have a wide variety of services in our offer, always completing each other – to our customer satisfaction. And it is this satisfaction that pushes us forward, to constantly learn something new, explore and find inspiration in everything around us.

We do not see our clients as projects, we approach each one individually. We write a special story for each couple, and our main goal is their happiness and pleasure. How do we achieve that? We love the job that we do and we enjoy it fully. And that is the whole mystery 🙂

And what do we do when we are not working?

You can find Maja ″sawing in″ new life to old things or baking delicious cakes, while Kristina will surely be away on a trip, meeting new cultures and finding inspiration in them.